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Iridium black, 99.8% (metals basis)
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Alfa Aesar By Thermo Fisher Scientific logo

Iridium black, 99.8% (metals basis)

CAS: 7439-88-5

Rif. 02-012071

2gPrezzo su richiesta
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500mgPrezzo su richiesta
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Lunedì 10 Giugno 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

Iridium black, 99.8% (metals basis)
  • iridium iridium atom
  • Iridio
  • Iridium black

The primary use of iridium is as a hardening agent in platinum alloys. Other uses are for the making of crucibles and devices that require high temperatures. Osmium/iridium alloys are used for compass bearings. Iridium is commonly used in complexes like Ir(mppy)3 and other complexes in polymer LED technology to increase the efficiency from 25% to about 100% due to triplet harvesting. Used in high-dose radiation therapy for the treatment of prostate and other forms of cancer. Iridium is used in tips of ballpoint pens. Iridium is used as a catalyst for carbonylation of methanol to create acetic acid. At one time, iridium as an alloy with platinum, was used in bushing the vents of heavy ordnance and, in a finely powdered condition (iridium black) for painting porcelain black.This Thermo Scientific Chemicals brand product was originally part of the Alfa Aesar product portfolio. Some documentation and label information may refer to the legacy brand. The original Alfa Aesar product / item code or SKU reference has not changed as a part of the brand transition to Thermo Scientific Chemicals.

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Alfa Aesar By Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Richiesta tecnica su: 02-012071 Iridium black, 99.8% (metals basis)

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