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CymitQuimica at the 2023 RSEQ Biennial

CymitQuimica at the 2023 RSEQ Biennial

Last week, from June 25th to 29th, CymitQuimica participated in the XXXIX edition of the Chemistry Biennial organized by the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ).This event took place at the Zaragoza Auditorium, where over 1200 chemists gathered.

During the biennial, conferences and exhibitions were held. These spaces for debate and exhibition allowed participants to share and delve into the latest advances and discoveries in the field of chemistry.

For CymitQuimica, this biennial was an exceptional opportunity to strengthen its presence in the scientific communityand demonstrate its commitment to research and development in chemistry, as well as to understand the needs of our customers and the industry. This year, CymitQuimica was a gold sponsorof the event, and for this reason, all attendees received an informative brochure in their bag.

The Zaragoza Auditorium proved to be the ideal venue to host the biennial. Its first-class facilities and welcoming atmosphere provided a conducive environment for the exchange of knowledge and experiences among chemistry professionals. Attendees enjoyed an inspiring and enriching space where they could network, engage in conversations, and establish collaborations in the field of chemistry.

After this experience at the XXXIX Chemistry Biennial of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry in Zaragoza,we look forward to seeing each other at the next Chemistry Biennial to continue sharing knowledge and discoveries in the field of chemistry.

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