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Advantages of buying standards instead of synthesising them in the laboratory.

Advantages of buying standards instead of synthesising them in the laboratory.

16 Feb 2022

One of the product families most widely distributed by CymitQuimica are the standard standards and reagents of the European, American, British, Japanese and Chinese pharmacopoeias. For this reason, today we would like to talk about the advantages of purchasing these products directly instead of producing them in the laboratory:

  • SIMPLICITY: they are ready to use. Although it may seem very simple, time in the laboratory is limited and having the patterns ready to use can be a great help.

  • QUALITY: we eliminate the riskin the quality of the preparation, in this way we can eliminate the time to certify the quality of the standard and avoid the problems derived from an error in its manufacture.

  • SAVING:saving resources. In many cases, the researchers' timeto prepare exactly their standards is already much more expensivethan acquiring the ready-to-use and validated mixture.

  • TRACEABILITY: the products we sell are tested and certified, so the product is fully reproducible, which is very necessary for a good comparison of results.

  • MORE SPACE: manufacturing the different standards needed in the laboratory means having all the necessary reagents and therefore having them in stock. Buying them helps to save spaceas well.

  • SAFETY: we avoid accidentsin the laboratory during the preparation of these standards.

  • EXCELLENCE: the pharmacopoeia standards sold by CymitQuimica are of excellent qualityand have a high reputation. This ensures a constant evolution with the demand and the appearance of new monographs.

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